Silchester Environs Project, Bridle's Copse, Pamber, Hampshire, Report on Geophysical Survey, May 2016

Author(s): Neil Linford, Paul Linford, Andy Payne, Cara Pearce

Caesium magnetometer and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys were conducted as part of the University of Reading Silchester Environs Project over an extensive linear bank and ditch monument, surviving as both a well preserved earthwork in the adjacent woodland and crop marks crossing an arable field, at Bridle’s Copse, Pamber, Hampshire. The vehicle towed caesium magnetometer survey (6.2 ha) discerned a weak linear anomaly extending into the field, possibly the line of the linear monument that appears to terminate at a stronger response to the east. However, there is no indication of the linear monument continuing any further eastwards across the field, as suggested by the aerial photography. The vehicle towed GPR survey (6.7 ha) with the very near-surface data dominated by animal burrows and, to the south of the survey, the course of the buried electricity cable. A pattern of field drains are apparent across the site together with a tentative, broad linear anomaly which appears to indicate the course of the ploughed out linear monument beyond the extent of the magnetic response. Unfortunately, data could not be acquired in the central portion of the field, due to poor weather conditions that hampered access to the field.

Report Number:
Research Report
Geophysical Survey


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