Wrest Park, Silsoe, Bedfordshire: Report on Geophysical Surveys, June 2015, July and November 2018

Author(s): Neil Linford, Andy Payne

A Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey was conducted over a number of sites throughout the wider park land of Wrest Park House, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, including areas within the vicinity of the Bathhouse, Chinese Bridge and several of the woodland glades. Data from a previous GPR survey of the Bowling Green Pavilion has also been included within this report. The surveys covered a combined area of 2.8ha and successfully identified anomalies related to paths and garden features depicted on historic mapping and contemporary images of the site. The survey over the Bowling Green revealed a complex network of land drainage and other services associated with the playing surface and the Pavilion. Survey results from within the woodland glades were more variable, although evidence for paths and other possible garden features were found in the Mithraic, Duke and Duchess Square and the West Half House glades. Tentative evidence for the location of the root house to the south of the Mithraic glade has also been suggested.

Report Number:
Research Report
Geophysical Survey Ground Penetrating Radar


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