Dating the Earliest Neolithic Ceramics of Wessex

Author(s): Alastair Barclay, A Bayliss, Bronk Ramsey, Ros Cleal, Dr G T Cook, Frances Healy, Lorrain Higbee, Peter Marshall, Ruth Pelling, Chris J Stevens

The Dating the Earliest Neolithic Ceramics of Wessex project was part of a training programme in the Bayesian chronological modelling of radiocarbon dates funded by Historic England. Its original scope was to target ceramic assemblages for dating in four areas: the Middle Thames, the Avebury area, the Stonehenge area of Salisbury Plain, and an area centred on Dorchester, Dorset. The outcome of a review of charred food residues on pottery from selected assemblages resulted in a scaled down project that targeted four assemblages from south, central, and north Wessex (Rowden and Flagstones, Dorset; Coneybury Anomaly, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire; and Cherhill, near Avebury, Wiltshire). The radiocarbon results from these four sites have been incorporated into a new framework for the development of early Neolithic ceramics in Wessex.

Report Number:
Research Report
Ceramic Neolithic Prehistoric Radiocarbon Dating Chronological Modelling


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