Yorkshire Henges and their Environs Air Photo Mapping Project (3908 MAIN)

Author(s): Alison Deegan

This report concerns the method and results of Yorkshire Henges and their Environs Project. This project was funded by Historic Environment Enablement Project and was undertaken by Alison Deegan between June 2008 and January 2013. It contributes to English Heritage's National Mapping Programme. This project covered an area of 586km2, focussing on the Magnesian Limestone belt between Wetherby in the south and Catterick in the north. This report covers the air photo, cartographic and lidar sources consulted for this project and outlines the methodology employed. It also provides an overview of the project's results in the form of a period summary with key sites highlighted and illustrated. This report closes with a summary of the key recommendations arising from the project and the preceding discussions.

Report Number:
Aerial Photograph Interpretation Aerial Photography Lidar Survey National Mapping Programme


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