Silchester Environs Project, Windabout Copse, Mortimer West End, Hampshire: Report on Geophysical Survey, February 2017

Author(s): Neil Linford, Paul Linford, Andy Payne

Caesium magnetometer and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys were conducted as part of the University of Reading Silchester Environs Project survey programme over an extensive early and late Iron Age complex, initially identified from crop marks, at Windabout Copse, Mortimer West End, Hampshire. The vehicle towed caesium magnetometer survey (20ha) extended previous, targeted fluxgate coverage in advance of an evaluation excavation in summer 2016, to encompass all accessible areas of the fallow arable field. Despite the relatively weak magnetic response over the site and the presence of both geomorphological and modern disturbance, the caesium survey revealed a series of ditch and pit type anomalies to enhance the existing evidence. GPR survey (7.8ha) was targeted over the location of the main excavation trenches and, despite highly saturated soil conditions, revealed linear anomalies associates with the Iron Age complex together with a hitherto unrecognised circular enclosure to the north of the field. The presence of a large soil stack, in close proximity to a late Iron Age chambered cremation grave revealed by the excavation, partially hindered the recovery of additional information with either technique in this area.

Report Number:
Research Report
Caesium Vapour Geophysical Survey Ground Penetrating Radar


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