Battle Abbey, Battle, East Sussex: Tree-Ring Analysis of Oak Timbers from the Gatehouse, Dorter and Reredorter

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard, Cathy Tyers

Analysis was undertaken on timbers from the Gatehouse, the Dorter, and the Reredorter resulting in the construction of two site sequences. Site sequence BTLASQ01 contains three samples, two from the Reredorter and one from the Dorter, and spans the period AD 1310–1437. The Reredorter timbers are both likely to have been felled in AD 1416, whilst the beam from the Dorter has a terminus post quem for felling of AD 1452. The second site sequence, containing two Gatehouse samples, is undated, as are the remaining individual samples.

Report Number:
Research Report
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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