The Western Heights, Dover, Kent. Report No. 8: The Citadel Battery: A Late 19th/early 20th-century Coast Artillery Battery. Survey Report

Author(s): Moraig Brown, Paul Pattison

In March 1999 the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME) carried out an archaeological survey and investigation of the remains of the Citadel Battery part of the defences on the Western Heights at Dover in Kent. Citadel Battery lay at the very western end of the Western Heights fortifications. It was built between 1898 and 1900, to house three 9.2-inch Mark X breech-loading guns, with a primary role of counter bombardment of enemy shipping in the Channel, threatening to shell the port of Dover. It remained in use until 1956. (This was report number 29/2001 in a previous series)

Report Number:


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