Little (Great) Chishill Windmill, Barley Road, Great Chishill, Cambridgeshire: Tree-Ring Dating of Oak Timbers

Author(s): Dr Martin Bridge

Samples were taken from ten oak timbers in the Little Chishill windmill of which six were dated. A reused diagonal front brace gave a likely felling date range of AD 1696–1728, making it much earlier than the other dated timbers. The remaining five dated timbers formed a coherent group of which one, with complete sapwood, was derived from a tree felled in the winter of AD 1817/18. It is therefore suggested that the major part of the buck seen today was constructed in AD 1818 or within a few years after this date, which is in accordance with a published note that the mill may have been rebuilt in AD 1819.

Report Number:
Research Report
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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