Lakes and Dales Nais, Gowrey Farm, High Casterton, Cumbria: Report on Geophysical Survey, August 2013

Author(s): Paul Linford, Andy Payne, Neil Linford

A caesium magnetometer survey was conducted at Gowrey Farm, High Casterton, Cumbria as part of the National Archaeological Identification Surveys: Upland Pilot (RASMIS 6304) to recover evidence for the continuation of the well preserved coaxial field boundaries found in the adjacent upland area of High Park. It was hoped that rapid, large scale magnetic survey may help determine whether the coaxial field systems once extended further towards the Lune valley, and still survive as detectable geophysical anomalies in areas of improved pasture where any surface expression has been removed. The geophysical response over a survey area of 9.7ha, encompassing a 0.92km N-S transect bordering the upland area, was dominated by networks of land drains related to land improvement. Despite these limitations a number of very tentative linear magnetic trends may correlate with the possible continuation of the coaxial boundaries.

Report Number:
Research Report
Caesium Vapour Geophysical Survey Magnetometer


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