Hadrian's Wall NMP Project - Brampton to Birdoswald: National Mapping Programme Report

Author(s): Fiona Small

This report reviews the results of part (Block 5) of the Hadrian’s Wall World Heritage Site National Mapping Programme (NMP). The Hadrian’s Wall NMP project aims to map all archaeological sites visible on aerial photographs and covers a band up to 15km wide encompassing Hadrian’s Wall and the World Heritage Site (WHS) setting zone (Kershaw 2002). The project has been divided into six stages, and Block 5 comprises ten Ordnance Survey quarter sheets (equivalent to 250 square km) extending from Warwick Bridge (NE of Carlisle) in the west to Gilsland in the east. The results of the project will inform the World Heritage Site management plan. The monumental remains of the Roman frontier have been the focus of studies for nearly four centuries. In contrast remains of other periods have tended to be overlooked resulting in a poor representation and understanding of both pre and post-Roman remains in this region. The broad approach of this survey redresses to a degree some of the Roman bias in the region’s archaeological record, and added further Roman sites. The survey identified a number of sites and themes which would benefit from further research. Of particular interest are the potential prehistoric or Roman settlement sites identified on aerial photographs. The project also highlights the need for more specialist oblique aerial reconnaissance in the upland areas. From the results of the survey four main topics have been considered and discussed in detail in this report. These are prehistoric and Roman settlement, new discoveries in the Roman military zone, medieval survivals in a post medieval landscape, and Second World War remains.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Bronze Age Iron Age Medieval Modern Post Medieval Roman National Mapping Programme


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