Castle Heaton, Cornhill-on-Tweed, Northumberland: An Investigation of the Vaulted Building and Adjacent Earthworks

Author(s): Rebecca Pullen, Clare Howard

The stone-vaulted building at Castle Heaton, located on a plateau above the River Till, incorporates what are thought to be the only standing remains of the 14th-century Heaton Castle which once stood on this site. The structure is listed at grade II* and is on the Heritage at Risk Register due to its deteriorating condition. This report presents an assessment of the fabric, setting and significance of the vaulted building and land to its immediate north and east, including measured floor plans and an earthwork survey, undertaken by English Heritage between April and July 2014 in order to inform the restoration of the building. The surviving medieval fabric appears to be restricted to elements of the former curtain wall of the castle; the rest of the building, landscape and documentary evidence suggest that the remainder of the castle stood to the east, north and south. The Castle was reduced to ruin in 1496 and was evidently never brought back into full use as a castle. Its former appearance is mainly known from a drawing dating from circa 1570 which shows its ruined state but clearly indicates that it was once an impressive place.

Report Number:
Research Report
Building Recording Standing Building Analytical Landscape Survey Building Investigation Castle Bastle Dovecote Stronghold


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